How to create a Comparative survey?

How to create a Comparative survey?

Step 1: On logging into your CimplyBest account, you will land on your portfolio screen, as shown below. Click ‘view’ button against the company in which you wish to create a survey.

Step 2: Click ‘Create New Survey’ button

Step 3: 
Choose a pre-populated template or start with a blank survey.

Step 4: Click ‘Editor’ tab to edit the survey.

Step 5 : Click on the check box to create the Comparative Survey.

Step 6Click ‘Group Questions’ for grouping the questions under various category. Set a group name and move the selected question to that group by clicking on the button and Click ‘Save Changes’.

Step 7:  Add the number of surveyee count for the comparative survey. 

Note: Fill in names and email id of Surveyee to add them to comparative survey.

Step 8: To Edit Survey title and to Add/Edit/Clone questions please refer steps 5- 18 by clicking this link

Step 9: Click on ‘Save.’

Step 10:To view the sample survey questionnaire, follow the steps as provided under the below link:

Step 11: To share the survey to the directors, follow the steps as provided under the below link: