Step 1: To view the Survey, Login to your CimplyBest account, you will land on your portfolio screen, as shown below. Click ‘view’ button for the company for which you wish to email a survey.
Step 2: All the surveys created for the Company will be available in the
screen shown below. Go to the survey you wish to share by selecting the relevant
financial year and click ‘View’ button to share via email.
Step 3: Click ‘Share Survey’ tab.
Step 4: If you wish to add a group for specific set of email IDs, you could do so by clicking on Add Group. These groups can be selected when email is sent, which will avoid manually entering the emails every time an email is sent.
These groups can also be edited or deleted if required, by clicking on the Edit/Delete links as highlighted in the below screen.
Step 5: Click on Share by Email option to send the email to the desired IDs. You could either choose the email group or enter the email IDs manually, entering comma/space after each email ID. You can edit the subject/body of the email and upload attachments to the email if required.
You can also bind the responses to the respondents by requiring them to perform an extra step of logging in before taking the survey by turning ‘On’ Bind link to Email button as shown in screen below.
Step 6: Click ‘Send Mail’ button to send the survey mail, as indicated in the above screenshot.