With BLISS, delegation and approval of work made easy with the Bulk assign and Bulk approve feature

With BLISS, delegation and approval of work made easy with the Bulk assign and Bulk approve feature

Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company for which you want to bulk assign and bulk approve.

Step 2:  Click Action Tracker.

Step 3: Select the filter option. 

Step 4: Select the unassigned option under the ‘filter based on assignee’ option for bulk Assign. Click Apply.


Step 5: Select the check box “Select All/None” or individually select multiple tasks and Click Bulk Assign.

Step 6: Select the Responder’s name, Approver’s List, Type of Approval. Click Submit.

Note: There will be e-mail alert sent to the Assignee.

Step 7: The respective tracker gets updated with Assignee and Assignor details as shown below:


Step 1: Repeat Step 3 - and select ‘Filter based on Approver’ for bulk Approve. Click Apply. 

Step 2: The list of tasks gets filtered based on the selection of approver, to select all the tasks check box “Select All/None” or individually check box for selected multiple tasks and Click ‘Bulk Approve’.

Step 3: New pop-up window appears for pre-view of the trackers before approval and select the date of completion and add comments if any. Click Submit.

Step 4: A confirmation pop-up to submit the Action -Tracker appears as shown below:

Step 5: A success message screen appears.

Step 6: The closed Tracker can be viewed under Event Based Compliance in Records section of respective financial year.

Step 7: The same can be also downloaded as a report under MIS reporting tab to get the status of our tasks.