Where will the financial parameter-based compliance get tracked in BLISS/ How do I update financial parameter-based compliance

Where will the financial parameter-based compliance get tracked in BLISS/ How do I update financial parameter-based compliance

All the parameter based compliance such as XBRL filings, need for Women Director, Constitution of CSR committee, etc.  gets triggered based on the data filled in by the users in the Financial Information Module like Turnover, Net worth, Paid-up capital, borrowings etc.(To know how to fill in Financial Information in BLISS: Where is the financial information such as turnover, net worth are captured in BLISS)

To update the triggered Compliance:
Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company you want to update the compliance for. 

Step 2: Click on Company Data

Step 3: Click on Compliances

Step 4: Fill in the required details for triggered compliances:

  1. Update the status for compliance with appropriate drop-down option
  2. Upload the proof of compliance (word, excel and PDF)
  3. Enter the remarks, if any
  4. Click on “Save” button to save the entered details

Step 5: On Re-computation based on the Financial Information of the Company, BLISS can also show certain compliances as not required by Highlighting it in Red Color with an cross mark to delete