Where is the financial information such as turnover, net worth are captured in BLISS

Where is the financial information such as turnover, net worth are captured in BLISS

Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company for which you want to fill the Financial Information

Step 2: Click on Company Data      

Step 3: Click Financial Information

Step 4: Click Edit 

Step 5: Click on “Financial Information” and then click on ‘+’ (PLUS) symbol to add the financial year for which the data needs to be filled

Step 6: Select the choice of CY (Current Year) and PY (Previous Year)

Step 7: Select the Financial Year from the Drop-down

Step 8: Enter the Particulars such as Turnover, Net worth, Net Profit, Secured Loans excluding Deposits, Unsecured Loans excluding Deposits, Deposits, No. of Employees

Step 9: Delete the extra columns. This will delete all the full column and the data for that particular year will be removed.

Step 10: Click on Save with re-computation

You can either click on ‘Save’ or ‘Save with Re-Computation’. If clicked on Re-computation based on the financial Information entered, BLISS would re-compute the Compliance requirement and show in the Compliance tab.

Step 11: Click Ok on Confirmation pop-up box.