What are the various User rights in CimplyBEST and how to add a new user

What are the various User rights in CimplyBEST and how to add a new user

Each company is provided with four category of users- Admin, Editor, Director and Auditor. Each User has an individual login, and they set their own password. Multiple users with same category of role can be added. The rights of the Users are company specific. Hence for instance, a User could be an Admin for one company and an Editor in another.

  1. Admin:  Can create, edit and share surveys, add/modify/remove other users, overview survey response and follow-up with pending respondents and share reports to other users but cannot view the survey data/reports.
  2. Editor: Can create/edit any survey, overview data and share reports but cannot add new users nor see data and reports.
  3. Director: Can view the survey response and also can see data and reports.
  4. Auditor: Can preview the sample survey, view the number of survey responses and mail audits. 

Step 1: Login to your CimplyBest account, you will land to your portfolio screen, as shown below. Click ‘view’ button for the company in which you wish to add new users.

Step 2: Click “Users” tab, as shown in screen below.

Step 3: Click “Create New User” button

Step 4: Enter full name, email id of the user and select the role.

Step 5: Click “create” button to save.