What are the various functions of Action Tracker module

What are the various functions of Action Tracker module

In the Action Tracker Module, there are two types of trackers: Event Based and Calendar Based 

Event based action trackers are triggered based on the agenda/minutes finalized, pre-populated action points get triggered with due dates which can be assigned, re-assigned, marked as complete and approved

Calendar based trackers are auto triggered based on calendar events (One time or recurring) as per the requirements of the Companies Act 2013 which can be assigned, re-assigned, marked as complete and approved.

Users can add their own event based or calendar-based action trackers as well using the ‘Add’ button and filling in the details, as required

Note: Reminder emails are triggered 30 days prior to the due date for Calendar Based Trackers and 7 days prior to the due date for Event-based trackers. Once these actions become overdue, the reminders will be received based on ‘mail interval’ specified in the settings page or by default, once on the due date

Functions of Action Tracker Screen

Event Based Trackers

Calendar Based Trackers

For Both Event and Calendar Based Trackers 
  1. Action Tracker Module – Consists of Action Trackers- Event Based and Action Trackers- Calendar Based
  2. Serial Number of Actions pending completion
  3. Title of the Action pending completion pursuant to Board/Shareholder meetings
  4. Assigned to: Displays the names of the user to whom the task is assigned 
  5. Due Date: The date by which the Action needs to be completed 
  6. Action: Option to delete task which will be available only for user defined tasks 
  7. Add: Option to add New Actions to be tracked which is not related to Agenda and Minutes
  8. Filter: Option to filter certain Trackers based on the Assignee or a due date range.
For Event Based Trackers
9. Related Meeting Date and Type – Indicates the Meeting Type i.e Board/Sub-Committee/Shareholder Meetings and the date of such Meeting from which the Action tracker arose.
10. Agenda Title- Indicates the Agenda Item for which the Action Tracker is triggered.
For Calendar Based Trackers
9. Stop Recurrence by – Indicates the date from which the activity is to stop recurring where the nature of activity has been selected as a weekly/monthly/quarterly/half yearly/yearly recurring.
10. Comments- Indicates the comments added, if any by users for the Action Tracker.