Create notice and agenda for your Board Meetings instantly

What are the various functionalities available for creating an Agenda in BLISS

1. Shareholder Meeting- Click on this icon to select the nature of Shareholder meeting –AGM or EGM.
2. Sub-Committee Meeting-Click on this icon to select from the different Sub-committees of the Board.
3. Board Meetings-Click on this icon to select from different categories of Board Meetings.
4. Group- Click on this icon to group various agenda items into different heads.
5. Save- Click on this icon to save the Agenda being created.
6. Meeting Details- Click on this icon to add meeting details like venue, date and time of the meeting.
7. Final/Archive- The document created in BLISS has 3 stages- Draft/Complete/Archived. Till such time the document is in Draft, the users will get an option to ‘Final’. Upon ‘Finalising’ the document, the button label changes to ‘Archive’. (Note: Editing gets disabled once Archived) 
8.    - Click on this icon to view the annotated Notice (containing the public comments made by the directors/secretarial team) version of the document as it were to appear to the Director, as an alternative to downloading the pdf or word version of the Notice. If the template is uploaded for Notice then the icon gets enabled from black to blue.
9.   -Click on this icon to view the annotated Agenda (containing the public comments made by the directors/secretarial team) version of the document as it were to appear to the Director, as an alternative to downloading the pdf or word version of the Agenda.
10.   - Click on this icon to download the pdf or to email the agenda/minutes of your meeting.
11.   - Click on this icon to download the MS word file of the agenda/minutes of your meeting.
12.  - Click on this icon to upload any presentations related to agenda items of your meeting.

You can upload presentations up to 20 pdf files with maximum file size of 30MB each is allowed” 

13.  - Pre-read notes enable the secretarial team to upload pre-read material for the selected Directors/Invitees (This option will get enabled once the user clicks on save button. Kindly note that any attachments uploaded here will not be sent along with the agenda and notice but can be accessed by the selected Directors/Invitees when they login to BLISS.)
14. - Click on this icon to upload any signed documents pertaining to your meeting. (This option will get enabled once the user clicks on save button. Kindly note that any attachments uploaded here will not be sent along with the agenda and notice. These are signed documents or documents related to the meeting that you want to store or save in your records)
15.  -Click on this icon to preview the Agenda/Minutes Created 
16. Serial No- Serial number for the Board /Sub-committee or Shareholder meeting.
17.   -Click on this icon to download the HTML version of the Agenda/Minutes
18.   - Click on this icon to replicate the Agenda for any subsequent meeting in the same company or any of your portfolio companies.
19.    - Click on this icon to read the contents of the agenda/minutes item both- proposal and the proposed resolution.
20. - Click on this icon to delete the specific agenda/minutes item. Deletion of any agenda item from finalized agenda also disable the connected Registers, Returns and Action Trackers triggered on finalizing the agenda.
21.  - Click on this icon to move the agenda/minutes item one step higher or one step. 
22.   - Click on this icon to upload an attachment to this agenda/minutes item. Once uploaded, the colour of the icon will change from    to   .
  - The white indicates that there is a document attached to the item. 
- These attachments will be sent along with the Notice and Agenda for the meeting.  
- Only PDF files can be uploaded here- attachment up to 50 files of 10MB each against an item and shuffle the order of these  attachments, if required.
23.  - Click on this icon to view, add and edit the Returns, Action Trackers and Registers to be triggered for a particular Agenda item, once the meeting details are filled-in for the meeting
24.  - Click on this icon to add a particular Agenda as Supplementary agenda.
25.   - Click on this icon to select if attachments are being circulated for this agenda item. If the user selects BLISS will now caution the users, whenever the user misses to upload any attachment/annexure for a particular Agenda Item for which “Attached as Annexure” is selected.
26.    - Click on this icon to access to Department User or restrict view of Agenda Items for view Director and Invitee or restrict View of Agenda item for Editor. Once restricted, the colour of the icon will change the grey indicating restriction from viewing the item for select users.
27.   - Click on this icon to import the MS word document of the agenda/minutes generated though BLISS with changes made to it subsequently.
28. Particulars of convening Authority – To fill in the details on Signing Authority.
29. Agenda Title  
30. Proposal for the Agenda Item.
31. Agenda   Adding & Sequencing Agenda Items: Click this button to add an Agenda Item and sequence it in the Agenda. 
32. Assisted search for new agenda items from pre-drafted resolutions- Enter the key word to select from over 200 resolutions to be added to the agenda.