How to view the compliance status of the company

How to view the compliance status of the company

Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your Summary Dashboard page, as shown below. Click on the company for which you want to view the compliance status. 

You can also navigate from any page in BLISS to view the compliance status by clicking on ‘Dashboard’.

The Drill Down dashboard as shown below enables the Directors to get a detailed insight into the compliance status of meetings in a company such as Board meetings, General meetings, and Sub – Committee meetings. In addition to that, it also provides the compliance status of registers maintained and returns filed/to be filed by the company.

1. Company’s short name
2. Time period for which the Dashboard is presented.
3. The last updated time and date of Dashboard.
4. The refresh button for updating the status of the Dashboard on need basis or else the Dashboard will refresh itself at 9:00 A.M everyday.
5. Dashboard for Shareholder Meeting.
6. Dashboard for Registers and Returns.
7. Dashboard for Sub-Committee Meeting.
8. Dashboard for Compliances based on Financial Year.
9. Dashboard for Pending Actions and Calendar Events.
10. Dashboard for Board Meeting