How to View Agenda/Minutes and any Comments made on them.

How to View Agenda/Minutes and any Comments made on them.

You may View the Agenda or Minutes by:

  1. Downloading them in pdf/word format AND/OR
  2. Using the Annotator function in BLISS which may also contain comments made by the Board/Committee Members or Secretarial Team.
Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company for which you want to view Agenda/Minutes.

Step 2: Click on Records.

Step 3: Select the Meeting for which you want to view the Agenda/MinutesClick on the Agenda or Minutes Annotator buttons against it. 

Step  4: After Opening of the document, Click on ‘ ’ in the top right corner to view the annotations or comments made on the document. Click on the arrow key against the ‘All’ option in the Panel to expand/ collapse the options available.

Click on any particular group to view the public comments made by the group as a member of such group. Similarly, you may use the filter to view comments made to you by any individual user by clicking on their names as shown below:

By default, the ‘All’ option is selected to view all public annotations /those made to you.

Step  4.1: Click on Agenda/ Minutes

Step 5: Click PDF or Word icon and click on “print”. The document gets downloaded.