How to search within content using Keywords in BLISS

How to search within content using Keywords in BLISS

Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company for which you want to search the data

Step 2: Click on any company to land in company dash board to find the search tab

Step 3: Search for Companies from your Portfolio for which you want search results

Step 4: Type the Search word or phrase.

Step 5: Fill in the period of search.

Step 6: Choose the options Available, it could be either All, Agenda, Minutes, Registers, Returns or Action Tracker

Step 7: Click Search

Step 8: Search results appear here

Step 9: To search any resolution from agenda/minutes of previous meetings, select agenda/minutes from the filter and click search.

All the agenda item which has the word searched will appear.

Step 10:  Click on Show

Step 11: On clicking ‘Show’ button the entire Agenda with the searched keyword will open.