How to Fill in the Capital Structure under Financial Information

How to Fill in the Capital Structure under Financial Information

Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company you want to fill in the Capital Structure

Step 2: Click on Company Data

Step 3: Click Financial Information

Step 4: Click Edit

Step 5Click on “Capital Structure” and enter the ‘as on’ date for which the information is filled

Step 6: Enter the total number of different classes of Equity Share- Number of classes

Step 7: In each Class of Equity Share following details to be filled;

Enter the Description of the class, No of Shares, Nominal Value, Total Value of Shares in Authorized, Issued, Subscribed, Paid up shares respectively.

Step 8: Fill details of Preference Shares if Applicable, same format as in Equity Shares 

Step 9: Enter information regarding Debentures, if any:
  1. Fully Convertible Debentures/Partly Convertible Debentures/Non- Convertible Debenture

Step 10: Click on Save with re-computation

Please Note: You can either click on ‘Save’ or ‘Save with Re-Computation’. If clicked on Re-computation based on the financial Information entered, BLISS would re-compute the Compliance requirement and show in the Compliance tab.

Step 11: Click Ok on the Confirmation pop-up Box