How to create an Notice/Agenda for the Board/Sub-Committee Meeting

How to create an Notice/Agenda for the Board/Sub-Committee Meeting

Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company for which you want to create the Agenda.

Step 2: Click Agenda

Step 3: A drop down menu with 3 categories of meeting will be displayed- Board Meeting, Sub-committee meeting and Shareholder meeting. Select the preferred option by clicking on it. 

Step 4: Once you select the type of meeting in the next screen you have a ready to use Agenda templates with Pre-Populated Agenda items.

Note: The Agenda for meetings is prepopulated with the agenda items as required by the Secretarial Standards and/or the Companies Act, 2013 

Step 5: Choose the required new agenda items from the pre-drafted library using this Search option by entering the key words –like KMP appointment, share allotment or opening a bank account, as the case maybe.

Step 6: Once an Agenda item is chosen, drag and drop the required agenda items from the left-hand side of the screen to the center of the screen as shown below. The items which dragged and dropped will appear as the last item. 

Step 7: Check the prefilled Serial No. for the Meeting and make changes if required and Click Save.

Step 8: Please select “Ok” on confirmation pop-up box.

Step 9: Click Meetings details.

Step 10: Fill in the information required like Meeting venue, Notice Publish Date, Meeting Date, Meeting start time, Conference facility available

1. Meeting Venue The Registered office of the Company comes pre-filled as the default venue.
2 Agenda Notice Date It is the date of circulating the Notice.
3. Meeting Date This the date on which the meeting will take place.
4. Start Time This is the time when the meeting shall start
5. Conference Available This check box when selected, it would ask for for the Conference number and the video link for the meeting.

Please note, If the time gap between the Agenda Notice Date and the Meeting Date is less than 7 days then BLISS will ask you to confirm if the meeting to be titled as “Meeting called at Shorter Notice”. With two options ‘cancel’ or ‘ok’
- If clicked cancel- You can change the Meeting dates
- If clicked ok- Your Agenda gets created with Meeting called at shorter notice as the title

Step 11: Where required you can click on ‘Add Invitee’ button by adding Invitee Name, Role, Name of Organization Represented which are mandated by Secretarial Standards.

Step 12: After filling all the details Click Save.

Please note the Directors name appear from Company Profile and Register of Directors and KMP. If any discrepancy check Register of Directors and KMP.

You can click on the  button to upload up to 50 different pdf files of 10 MB each against each agenda item as attachments. On doing so a success message appears for the upload of files. Once uploaded, the color of the icon will change from  to   .The grey indicates that there is a document attached to the item.

When attachments are uploaded against an agenda item, the option “Attached as Annexure” in the  icon will get selected automatically. In case you don’t want the uploaded attachments to form part of the agenda document, click on the  icon and change it to “Will be tabled at the meeting”.

You can also re-arrange the attachments in any order after upload by dragging them up or down to the desired position as shown below:

Step 13: The draft of Agenda is ready. You can view the draft by either clicking on Word/Pdf Icon OR Agenda annotation button.
Note: You can view the annotated version (containing the public comments made by the secretarial team)  of the document as it were to appear in the output/to the Director, as an alternative to downloading the pdf or word version of the Agenda. 
As and when you make changes to the content, you can also keep refreshing the tab in which the annotator has opened so that you will be able to view the updated agenda.

Step 14: On click of the Pdf Print button a Modal appears select appropriate print options and click on Print

Note: For print in Word the option of printing with attachment is not available


Generate Letterhead

If opted for this option, the Agenda will appear with a default Letterhead


Print Agenda Table

If this option is switched off then the Agenda will appear without the reference to the annexures


Print with Attachments

If opted for this option, the Agenda will get printed with the attachments that is uploaded for each agenda item.

Note: For print in Word the option of printing with attachment is not available

Step 15: After the draft of the document is circulated and confirmed. Click on Final, reconfirm the Meeting Details and the Agenda gets finalized.
Agenda created in BLISS has three modes Save, Final and Archive. On Archiving a Agenda you cannot modify it post that.