How to View the Summary Dashboard.

How to View the Summary Dashboard.

At a glance you can view the status of pending activities of all the companies in your BLISSGLOBAL portfolio.

  1. Switch to Public and Private companies
  2. Switch to BLISSGLOBAL
  3. Alphabetic search to search for companies in BLISSGLOBAL portfolio
  4. Refresh button to reload all the companies 
  5. Search bar to search for companies with a keyword
  6. List of companies registered in BLISSGLOBAL portfolio
  7. No. of activities overdue
  8. No. of critical activities for which due date is nearby
  9. No. of upcoming activities
  10. Refresh button to refresh current status of pending activities
Please note:
The three colors Red, Amber and Blue, signifies the status of activities - Red indicates activities that are overdue, Amber for activities that are due in next 30 days and Blue for activities that will be due in next 365 days.