How to use Word File Import feature in Agenda and Minutes

How to use Word File Import feature in Agenda and Minutes

To promote ease of use and enhance productivity, BLISS now provides for import of its downloaded and edited MS Word file in Agenda and Minutes. This feature will help the secretarial team to update BLISS with the final version of the Agenda and minutes file once the content is approved for circulation. This would also allow to utilize Word's advanced editing features. This feature eliminates the effort of secretarial team in modifying the Agenda and Minutes in the software. 

Step 1:  Open your Company and navigate to ‘Records Page’ to import file in an existing meeting or Click on ‘New Agenda’ tab and create a Meeting. 

Step 2: Once you are on an existing Agenda screen or a New Agenda screen, click on save button. 

Please note the template is mandatory, to enable you to use Word upload feature. For steps to upload a template please refer to How to upload various templates for Board/Committee Meetings/Circular Resolutions in BLISS?
Step 3: Download the Word file of Agenda 

Step 4: Open the downloaded word file to make the required modifications to the Agenda Doc 
Step 5: Click on Enable Editing 

Step 6: Click on Show/Hide icon 

Step 7: Scroll to the Agenda Items page, you will be able to see certain Hidden characters in green font 

  1. Anything entered between |t| to |/t| will be the Agenda Title
  2. Anything entered between |p| to |/p| will be the Proposal
  3. Anything entered between |r| to |/r| will be the Proposed Resolution 
When a new resolution is to be added in an Agenda Item that does not contain a resolution, follow the below steps:    

1.  Enter the Resolution within  |r| to  |/r|  
2. If the content of the resolution added is appearing in green font then, select the entire resolution content except the hidden characters 
3. Click on the Font icon or simply press Ctrl+D 
4. Change the font colour to Black  
5. Un-check the Hidden option 
6. Press OK 

  1. The nos. after the letters t, p and r indicate the Agenda item no.
  2. In the proposal and resolution part of the agenda items you will also be able to insert image, tables, excel tables, pie charts etc. all that is allowed in MS Word
  3. This functionality works for both Agenda and Minutes.
  4. If you want to add a new item then you will have to drag and drop agenda item in BLISS and download fresh word from BLISS to make modifications.
  5. Once you have used the word import functionality then the future edits for that meetings needs to be done using word import functionality only and the edits within BLISS is not permissible