How to print or View Minutes/How to Email Minutes and any Comments made on them

How to print or View Minutes/How to Email Minutes and any Comments made on them

You may view the Agenda or Minutes by:
A. Downloading them in pdf/word format AND/OR
B. Using the Annotator function in BLISS which may also contain comments made by the Board/Committee Members or Secretarial Team

A. Downloading them in pdf/word format
Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company for which you want to Print and E-mail minutes.

Step 2: Click on Records

Step 3: Select the Minutes you want to Print or Email by clicking on it.


Please note, Minutes for Board Meetings is shown above, for minutes of Sub-Committee Meetings and Shareholder Meetings or Circular Resolution scroll down the screen to find it.

Step 4: The details of the meeting you have selected will be displayed. Please confirm the same and click on Minutes.

Step 5: You will be directed to the Minutes page. Select pdf or word format to download the minutes. Click on the minutes annotation button to view the minutes as it were to appear in the output/ to the Director version (containing the public comments made by the secretarial team/director ) , as an alternative to downloading the pdf or word version of the Agenda. ( detailed in Part B)
Note : If you click on the minutes annotation button, the minutes will appear in a new window of your browser, adhering to the template uploaded. As and when you make changes to the content, you can also keep refreshing the tab in which the annotator has opened so that you will be able to view the updated minutes. 

B. Using the Annotator function in BLISS

Follow Step 1 to 2 from point A 
Step 3: Select the Meeting for which you want to view the Agenda/Minutes. Click on the Agenda or Minutes Annotator buttons against it.
Step 4: Click on ‘  ’ in the top right corner to view the annotations or comments made on the document. Click on the arrow key against the ‘All’ option in the Panel to expand/ collapse the options available. Click on any particular group to view the public comments made by the group as a member of such group. Similarly, you may use the filter to view comments made to you by any individual user by clicking on their names as shown below:
By default, the ‘All’ option is selected to view all public annotations.

C. Emailing the Minutes 
Follow Step 1 to 5 detailed in point A 
Step 6: Select  the ‘Email' option 

Ensure that the 'enable email' option has been turned on in the Company's Settings page by an Admin or Subscriber user
Please note: If you are using templates, the generate on Letterhead option will be disabled
You can also upload and attach zipped folders i.e files with .rar or .zip extensions 

Step 7: Confirm the recipients’ email ID, check the subject and body of the email and click Send.

Step 8: Pop-up window will appear prompting confirmation on recipients number and list before sending any email through BLISS as shown below. Click Ok to send e-mail.

The recipients are categorized into Directors, KMP and Invitees which are based on the email id entered under the Register of Directors & KMP and Permanent Invitee tab respectively. This mailing list is updated automatically based on the attendees for the Meeting in the Minutes.