How to lock/unlock a certain record or the whole financial year for records uploaded under Past Records page?

How to lock/unlock a certain record or the whole financial year for records uploaded under Past Records page?

Note : Only the Admin of the Company who has access and control over the Past Records Page can lock/unlock the Past Records for other users.
Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company for which you want to upload the Past Records.
Step 2: Click Past Records.
Step 3: Select the financial Year for which you want to lock the Records.

Step 4: 
To lock a specific record:
Select the Category in which you want to lock any specific document, -Board Meetings, Sub-Committee Meeting, Shareholder Meeting: Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. Click on the ‘ ’ button against it .

To lock all records for a Financial Year:
Click on the ‘ ’ for any Financial Year
Note : Once locked, no edit, delete or upload options will be visible to users as shown below. To unlock any record or the Financial Year, Click on the ''  button against a record or the Financial Year respectively.