How to group various agenda items in Minutes section

How to group various agenda items in Minutes section

Minutes Items for a Meeting can be grouped into one main heading as it was presented in the Agenda of the meeting.

Step 1: Click on the ‘Group’ button.

This feature works only if user defined template is uploaded

Step 2:  After clicking on the ‘Group button’, you will land on the page, as shown below. Click on ‘Copy Groups’ button to copy all the groups from the agenda to Minutes or create your own groups.

Step 3:  A pop-up screen would appear to confirm copying of groups from Agenda to Minutes.. Click on the ‘ok’ button.

Step 4: Once you have copied groups from Agenda you can create more groups, delete any of the existing groups and show/ hide certain Group or Sub- Group Names.

Step 5:  Once the grouping is done. Click on ‘Save’

Step 6:  To move back to Minutes edit module click on ‘Back’