How to generate Reports at a Company Portfolio level in BLISS?

How to generate Reports at a Company Portfolio level in BLISS?

Bliss can generate reports based on information filled into various pages in BLISS like the Dividend Master, Company Profile, Register of Directors, MOA/AOA changes, Auditor’s Details, Financial Information etc.
Note: Only users who have reporter right in BLISS can download Reports in from BLISS.

Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the welcome button and then click on Report Generation

Step 2: Click on the Reports button. Click on any type of report present on the left-hand side of the page and then click on the filter.

Step 3: Select the desired companies in your portfolio and the fields for the report to be generated. The report is displayed based on this selection and can be downloaded in excel format using the download excel button.

Note : The excel report downloaded will also reflect the fields and companies selected by way of filters