How to enable Watermark in the Board/Committee/Circular Resolution documents viewed/printed by the Directors or Invitees

How to enable Watermark in the Board/Committee/Circular Resolution documents viewed/printed by the Directors or Invitees

BLISS enables users to track leakage of sensitive documents by including watermarks in document templates. The data downloaded or viewed by the users with Director/Invitee rights will contain the watermark displaying the email id of the user, along with the date and time of download. The watermark can also be configured to display some text, say “Private and Confidential”. 

This can be enabled in the Agenda, Minutes and Circular resolutions of the Company.
What token to be used?
|watermark{text(Private and Confidential),date(dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm a)}|- This token can be inserted at the end of the document template. 

To understand how to edit Templates, click here: How to Edit Agenda/Minutes/Circular Resolution templates in BLISS

Sample screenshot of the resultant document after enabling watermark in the templates: