How to enable a Sub Committee mandated under the Companies Act, 2013, SEBI (LODR), 2015

How to enable a Sub Committee mandated under the Companies Act, 2013, SEBI (LODR), 2015

The user can create their customized sub-committees as per their requirements, including defining the number of meetings for that subcommittee, the quorum required for these meetings including specifying the number of Independent Director’s attendance required, setting reminder emails for conveying the committee meetings. The user can add any number of sub-committees to their company.

Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company for which you want to enable a Sub Committee

Step 2: Click on Company Data.

Step 3: Click on Sub-committees.

Step 4: Choose the Sub-Committee and click edit  

Step 5:  Details to be entered in the highlighted fields, description of which are given below

To add persons who are members but not directors of the company:

Note: Make sure the email ID entered here matches with the one in User Rights, in case the invitee is granted access to view the documents using BLISS Web Login for Invitees or our Board App, BLISSDOCS

Details of the fields are:

  1. Sub-Committee Name: Enter the name of New Sub-Committee that you desire to constitute
  2. Constituted: mark as Y
  3. Members: This is a drop from where you can select the name of Directors or Others who are member of this Committee. Please note the name of the Directors appear from the Register of Directors that is maintained in BLISS.
  4. Minimum Members for Quorum: This is number of minimum members that is required for Quorum. The number here cannot be less than two and cannot be more than number of members selected in the members field above
  5. No of Independent Directors for Quorum: This is number of minimum Independent Directors that is required for Quorum.
  6. No of Meetings:  The number of meetings required in the year as per the charter of the Sub-Committee
  7. Quarter in which it is to be done: The Quarters in which the Committee meeting is mandatory to be held.
  8. Duration Start:  The day from which this Sub-Committee is constituted. This would help BLISS to calculate compliance from the start date
  9. Duration End: If the Sub-Committee is no more constituted enter the end date
Please note if Duration Start and End date is not mandatory if dates not entered BLISS would calculate compliance from the day Company registered in BLISS to the current date.

Step 6:  Click Save.