With BLISS, circulation and voting of Circular Resolutions are easier

How to Email Circular Resolution for Directors Voting and view Voting details.

Note: For sending the mails to directors that contains voting button, all the directors of the company should be added as ‘Directors’ in that company in BLISS. 

Sending such mails for Board and Sub-Committee Circular Resolution shall remain same as Board and Sub-Committee, except that for sub-committees the sub-committee’s members should be updated under Sub-Committee tab and their mail ids in user rights and the Register of Directors and KMP should be same.  

Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company you want to send voting mails for Circular Resolution.

Step 2: Click on Records Tab.

Step 3: Navigate to Circular Resolution folder and click on the Circular Resolution for which voting mail is to be sent.

Step 4: Ensure that the Circular Resolution is finalized, if not finalize the Circular Resolution to view the voting button as shown in the below screen.

Step 5: Click on Voting button.

Note: The directors/ members will not be able to cast a vote once the circular due date has expired but can cast a revised vote on the same resolution before the due date more than once.When the date of sending the email is before or after the Circular Publish Date, click ‘Ok’ button on the confirmation pop-up screen, if you wish to still proceed. 

Step 6You can then edit the Subject line, the Body of the mail (resolution, notes etc.) and add any other attachments (including zipped folders i.e files with extensions like .rar and .zip) for the Directors and click Send.
The list of recipients is based on the email id entered under the Register of Directors & KMP. This mailing list is updated automatically based on any changes made to the register for Circular Resolution -Board  and changes made under the sub-committee tab in addition to the register for Circular Resolution- Sub Committee .

Step 7: After confirming the recipients to the email are correct, click ‘Ok’.

The mail that is sent to directors will contain buttons for easy voting on the Circular Resolutions as shown in below screen:

When the Director cast their votes by clicking on any of these buttons, the Admin and Editor of the Company will receive a mail to this effect and on the date when majority of directors have casted their votes in favour of passing the Circular Resolution the Circular Approving date would get pre-populated in BLISS.

The Admin and Editor can also access the statistics on the no. of votes and pending votes etc, from ‘Records’ page by click on the icon shown below: