How to create Minutes in BLISS
Minutes can be created only after an agenda is prepared for the meeting. Please prepare an agenda before starting to prepare the minutes
Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company you want to create minutes for.
Step 2: Click on Minutes
Step 3: A screen pops up displaying all the Meetings for which Agenda has been created but the Minutes have not been prepared. If there are more than one meeting in the pop-up, select the meeting based on the meeting Date and click on Submit.
Step 4: Confirm the items and the sequence of items in the Minutes displayed.
The user can copy the Proposal content entered in Agenda to Minutes gist section by clicking the Copy button
, which will replace the existing Minutes Gist content with that of the proposal across all the agenda items.
Step 5: Where required add new resolutions by entering the key word to identify the resolution you need. If it is not found, scroll to the bottom and click on the ‘>’ button against the ‘customized agenda’ head to create a customized resolution
Click on the Particulars of convening authority and enter the ‘Minutes Welcome Message’ before the discussion of items in the meeting and a vote of thanks to the Chair, if required.
Step 6: Click on ‘Save’ to save the Minutes created.
Step 7: Click here to enter the Meeting Details.
Step 8: Enter the following to complete the Meeting Details module:
- Meeting Date- This field is prepopulated with the meeting date filled at Agenda stage.
- Meeting venue- This field is prepopulated with the Registered Office address filled at the Agenda stage and can be edited accordingly.
- Date of Entry- Enter the date on which the Minutes are finalized; it should be a date on or after the date of meeting.
- Meeting Start Time - Enter the start time of the meeting.
- Actual Meeting Start Time: Enter the actual start time of the meeting.
- Meeting End Time - Enter the time at which the meeting concluded.
- Starting page no. for minute- The user can enter the starting page number of minutes and the system consecutively numbers them.
- Meeting Adjourned - The user can click Y or N, By default, 'N' will be selected.
- Meeting End Date- If the Meeting adjourned is set to Y, then this field has to be filled in.
- Audio/Video Link- Provision to save the link where the file is stored. Please note the video link itself is not stored in BLISS.
- Date of Chairman Signature- Date on which the Chairperson sings the minutes.
- Selection of Chairperson- Select one among the directors of the Board, Members of committees and members/directors at the Shareholder Meetings, as the case may be as a Chairperson for that Meeting.
- Directors Designation- The Register of Directors is filled then the Designation comes pre-filled with the designation, the user can modify them if required.
- Add Invitees by adding the Name, Role, email id and Organisation represented for the invitees
- Select the mode of attendance- Physical presence or through video conference. Default mode is physical presence. If Video Conference is selected, then location from where the Director attended the meeting becomes mandatory. The standard text for mode can also be customised by clicking on the gear icon
in the Presence Type Column. - Mark the attendance of Directors who attended the meeting
- You can remove the Director from the meeting by clicking on
icon. - Mark the presence of Company Secretary, Mode of Presence and Location, if applicable. Designation of the Company Secretary can also be customised, as per the requirement. For instance, if the CS is also the designated Compliance Officer, then the designation field can be edited to capture this information.
- Add Invitees by adding the Name, Role, Organisation, Email ID, Mode of Presence and Location, if applicable, of the invitees
Step 9: Click Save.
Step 10: Click on Final to finalize the Minutes created.
Step 11: Re-confirm the meeting details and click on Final.
The user can copy the Proposal content entered in Agenda to Minutes gist section by clicking the Copy button
, which will replace the existing Minutes Gist content with that of the proposal across all the agenda items.