How to create a customized agenda item in BLISS

How to create a customized agenda item in BLISS

Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company for which you want to create Customized Agenda.

Step 2: Click Agenda

Step 3: A drop down menu with 3 categories of meeting will be displayed- Board Meeting, Sub-committee meeting and Shareholder meeting. Select the preferred option by clicking on it.

Step 4: Once you select the type of meeting in the next screen you have a ready to use Agenda templates with Pre-Populated Agenda items.

Step 5The last item in the list of curated agenda items in all the meeting types is the ‘Customized Agenda Items’. click on the ‘>’ button against it, fix the position of the item by specifying the Item Number and click on ‘set’ as shown below:


Step 6: Once the customized agenda item is dragged and dropped, a dialogue box will appear on the screen and you would be required to enter the ‘Agenda Item title’, and where required select the Register that needs to be updated when this agenda item is passed by the Board and the Returns that needs to be filed when the agenda item is passed by the Board. 

Please note multiple Returns can be selected, when required.

Step 7: Click ‘Submit’ an Agenda Item gets created.

Step 8: Click on the icon as shown in the screen below to input the ‘proposal’ and ‘proposed resolution’ for the custom agenda that has been created.