How to create a Circular Resolution.

How to create a Circular Resolution.


Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company you want to create Circular Resolution.

Step 2: Click on Minutes Tab.

Step 3: Select Circular Resolution for the Board/ Individual Committee from the drop-down showing list for which you want to create the Circular Resolution.

Step 4: Click on ‘Submit’.

You can upload your own defined templates for Board and Committee Meeting’s Minutes, Extracts of Resolution and Circular resolutions. For steps to upload a template please refer to ‘‘How to upload various templates for Board/Committee/Shareholder Meetings and Circular Resolutions in BLISS?’

Step 5: On clicking Submit, Circular resolution screen will open.
  1. Smart Search: Search the agenda item to be passed as Circular resolution and drag and drop it.
  2. Serial No: Serial number to the Circular Resolution.
  3. Save: To save the Circular Resolution.
  4. Final/Archive Button: To finalize the Circular Resolution, on clicking Final the same button turns to ‘Archive’.
  5. Vote: Click on this icon to send mail to Directors along with buttons to cast their votes through mail directly.
  6.  Click on this icon to import the MS word document of the agenda/minutes generated though BLISS with changes made to it subsequently.
  7.  - Click on this icon to view the annotated version (containing the public comments made by the secretarial team/director )  of the document as it were to appear in the output / to the Director without having to download the pdf or word version of the Agenda. 
  8.  Click on this icon to print or email the Circular Resolution in the PDF format.
  9.  Click on this icon to print or email the Circular Resolution in the word format.
  10.  Click on this icon to upload any signed documents related to the Circular Resolution.
  11.  Click on this icon to replicate the Circular Resolution either in the same company or to another company of the user’s portfolio
  12. Circular Publish Date: Enter the date on which the Circular is sent for Director’s Approval.
  13. Select Approval Time: Select the number of days (up to 7 days) within which the circular resolution is to be approved by the Directors from the drop-down option. 
    13. a Circular Approving Date: Enter the Date on which the Circular is approved by majority of Directors.
  14. -Click on this icon to view, add, edit or delete the Returns, Action Trackers and Registers to be triggered for a particular Agenda item, once the meeting details are filled-in for the meeting
  15.   Click on this icon to download extract of Circular Resolution in PDF format.
  16.  Click on this icon to download extract of Circular Resolution in word format.
  17.  Click on this to upload attachment or supporting document for the Circular Resolution.
  18.  Click on this icon to view and edit the content for the Circular Resolution.
Step 6: Search the agenda item to be passed as circular resolution and drag/drop it to the center of the screen.

Please note that the ‘Delete’ icon is available only if the Circular Resolution is in Draft or Save mode. Once the Circular Resolution is finalized it cannot be deleted.Step 7: Expand the item to make any changes.

Step 8: Give serial No. to the Circular Resolution and click save.

Step 9: On clicking save button, a text box for marking date of the circular Publish date will appear. Fill date.

Step 10: Click Final button to finalize the circular resolution.

Step 11: On Clicking the final button, a text box for marking date of the circular Approving date will appear. Fill date.

Step 12: Circular Resolution can be printed either in PDF format or Word format.