How to Create a Calendar Event

How to Create a Calendar Event

In the Calendar Events Module based on the date of the event set by the User, the calendar event gets triggered.

1. Calendar Events Module 
2. Serial Number of Calendar Events pending completion
3. Title of the Calendar Events
4. Comments: To assist in completing the task
5. Due Date: The date by which the event needs to be completed 
6. Action: Option to delete the event which will be available for events added by the users 
7. Add: Option to add New Events  to be tracked 
8. Filter: Option to filter certain Events based on a due date range.

To create a Calendar Event:

Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company in which you want to create Calendar Event.

Step 2: Click on Action Tracker.

Step 3Click on the Add Button under Calendar Events.

Step 4Fill in the required details for creating Calendar Event: Title of the Calendar Event, Whether the calendar event is onetime or recurring and if recurring: the frequency, Due Date by which the task is to be completed, Comments to assist in completing task.

Step 5Click on Submit