How to add a custom section, edit /replicate them across your portfolio?

How to add a custom section, edit /replicate them across your portfolio?

Note: Only Admin users can create and edit sections
Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on ‘Other Entity’ button to switch to BLISSGLOBAL variant.

Step 2: Click on the company from your portfolio.

Step 3: Click on Company Data 
Step 4: Click on the Settings button
Step 5: Enter the section Name, Status of tasks required under this section, action trackers you wish to assign, if any and click on save.


Editing sections:
Click on the ‘edit’ button to make changes to the section or click on  to delete the section. Click on ‘I’ to view the number of statuses and trackers assigned for a section.

Edit the name of the section or the statuses associated with it as required and click on save.

You can also re-arrange the order in which the sections appear in the records page by dragging and dropping them to the desired position

Replicating all Sections:
Click on the ‘Replicate’ button, select the company to which all the section are to be replicated, whether it should be appended or replace the existing section of that company.