How do I download an MIS report showing the compliance status for some/all companies in my portfolio?

How do I download an MIS report showing the compliance status for some/all companies in my portfolio?

Step 1: Click on the ‘Generate MIS Report’ button on the summary Page of BLISS.
Step 2: Select the desired period, company(ies) in your portfolio and modules for which you would like to generate an MIS Compliance report or pdf download, as required. Select 'Include Comments' to print the comments entered at the time of closing Register, Return and Action Tracker.

Step 3: Choose any or all types of registers and returns after selecting these modules. Click on download.
Note: An MIS report will then be downloaded in excel/pdf format based on the criteria selected in the above steps
Step 4:  The sample MIS report (Excel format) as shown below would get downloaded.