How do I capture/record changes made to Company’s MOA and AOA in BLISS?

How do I capture/record changes made to Company’s MOA and AOA in BLISS?

Step 1: When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company for which you want to fill in the MOA/AOA related information.

Step 2: Click on Company Data

Step 3: Click on MOA and AOA Changes. Click on ‘Add’ to make an entry under MOA or AOA section. 

Step 4: Enter the details as under: 
MOA - Enter the date of change in the clause, choose the clause altered from the drop down, enter details of the old and new clause. Upload a copy of the revised MOA, click on the update button and then click on save.

AOA - Enter the date of change in the clause, details of the old and new clause. Upload a copy of the revised AOA, click on the update button, and then click on save.

Note: Only pdf or excel file with maximum file size of 25MB for MOA and AOA can be uploaded