How can I view and generate survey reports as a Director

How can I view and generate survey reports as a Director

As a user with Director rights, you will be able to view and download the survey responses in the form of a PDF or Excel report
Step 1: Login to your CimplyBest account as a Director and you will land on your portfolio screen, as shown below. Click ‘view’ button against the company for which you wish to see the report/data of the survey.

Step 2: All the surveys created for the Company will be available in the screen shown below. Go to the survey you wish to view the report or data by selecting the relevant financial year and click ‘View’ button.

Step 3: On clicking ‘view button in the screen above, the Directors can view Survey Details like date of creation, last date of modification, survey end date and status on number of responses as shown in screen below.

Step 4: Click ‘Report’ tab to access the survey report. On clicking ‘Report’ tab you will be directed to the screen shown below with status of responses submitted by all the Directors.

Step 5: To download the report, select the required toggle keys and click ‘Generate PDF’ button.

Step 6: To download the data in the form of an excel, click on the tab 'Data' and click on ' Download as Excel Sheet'.