How are compliance tracked in the Dashboard at a Company level

How are compliance tracked in the Dashboard at a Company level

It is a snapshot view of the compliance status of meetings in a company such as Board meetings, General meetings and Sub-Committee meetings. In addition, it also provides the compliance status of registers maintained and returns filed/to be filed by the company.

  1. Company’s short name for which the Dashboard is presented
  2. Time period for which the Dashboard is presented
  3. The last updated time and date of Dashboard
  4. The refresh button for updating the status of the Dashboard on need basis or else the DashBoard will refresh itself at 9:00 A.M everyday
  5. Dashboard for Shareholder Meeting
  6. Dashboard for Registers and Returns
  7. Dashboard for Sub-Committee Meeting
  8. Dashboard for Compliances based on Financial Year
  9. Dashboard for Pending Actions and Calendar Events
  10. Dashboard for Board Meeting
Please note on every Change in the Dashboard from Green to Amber or Amber to Red or Red to Green, a mail trigger is sent to the users who are authorized by the Company Admin to receive e-mails alerts/ reminders. (To know how to set reminders in User Rights, read How do I enable/disable reminder alerts for a user)

1. Default Reminder Settings: The default reminder settings in BLISS are under, which governs the color code change from Green to Amber and Amber to Red:
a. Agenda and Minutes: The reminder for finalisation of Agenda will be triggered 30 days prior to the due date for holding the meeting (due date is 120 days from the date of previous meeting) and on the 1st day of the quarter specified in the sub-committee page for holding any committee meetings. Reminders to complete minutes of Meetings would be triggered on the 15th day from the date of the meeting.

b. Action Trackers: Reminder emails are triggered 30 days prior to the due date for Calendar Based Trackers and 7 days prior to the due date for Event based trackers. Once these actions become overdue, the reminders will be received based on ‘mail interval’ specified in the settings page or by default every 15 days. 

c. Registers and Returns: Reminder emails are depending on the nature of Registers/Returns and the due dates indicated the Companies Act and its Rules, the triggers will be sent out 3-7 days (Registers) and 6-30 days (Returns) prior to the due date

d. Financial Thresholds: Reminder emails will be triggered when trackers populate under ‘Compliance’ tab as a result of entering the financial information and when any activity becomes overdue therein

2. Customisation of reminder alerts for Overdue items: Based on the mail intervals set by the user in Settings page, email reminders will be sent for overdue items i.e categories for which the dashboard has turned ‘red’ in color. For instance, if the Mail Frequency is set to 7, then the overdue alert will be sent to eligible users every 7th day from the date of the specified item turning overdue. If it’s set to 0, then the overdue alert will be received only once on the overdue date.