How to edit Formatting and reminder related Settings in BLISS

How to edit Formatting and reminder related Settings in BLISS

The user can set the default print format such as font size, font family, line spacing in which the company’s Agenda and Minutes are printed.

Step 1 : When you log into BLISS, you will land on your portfolio page, as shown below. Click on the company for which you would want to set the print formatting

Step 2 : Click on Company Data

Step 3 : Click on Settings

Step 4 : Adjust the font to your Company Standards (a list of fonts available can be seen in the drop-down option), Font Size, Set Margins,
Paragraph Alignment, Page Size-A4 or Legal, Agenda Numbering system, Spacing of Paragraph, Header Alignment for the Resolutions and the meeting Title Alignment.

Step 5 : For setting up the customized intervals for the reminder mails to be sent to your mailbox, you can set the number of days here, if the number of the days is selected as 0, then you would get the emails within a default time gap of 30 days and 15 days by the software.

Note: The mail reminders for overdue items are triggered based on the mail intervals set in settings page  i.e categories for which the dashboard has turned ‘red’ in color. The reminder for pending items will be received for action trackers, registers, returns and Agenda/Minutes as per the default settings.

Step 6: Upload the Company’s Logo, this is used to print the Company’s letterhead by BLISS.

Step 7: Click on the sample signature template to download the same and insert the email signature to accompany emails for Agenda/Minutes of the Company sent from BLISS. Follow the instructions in this template and upload the document by clicking on 'choose file' . Click on Submit.

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