Send multiple surveys using a single email

Send multiple surveys using a single email

Step 1: Login to your CimplyBest account, you will land to your portfolio screen, as shown below. Click ‘view’ button for the company in which you wish to send survey.

Step 2:  All the surveys created for the company will be available on the screen below. Go to the relevant Financial Year and click on the “select all surveys” and you will find the button “Email consolidated survey links” getting enabled.

Note: To deselect the surveys uncheck the box ‘Unselect All Surveys’

Step 3:  Click on Email Consolidated Survey Links button and choose the email group/enter the email IDs manually (after entering each mail ID, click on Enter/Space button), edit the subject/body of the email, and upload attachments, if required.

To know how to add/edit the Email Groups, refer point 2 to 4 in this link.

Step 4: Click on the 'Mail Link' button to send the email with links of the selected surveys.